Security and Robotics System in Industrial Robots

The use of robotics in medicine was initiated several years ago and the problem of security in an environment where man is very far. The complexity of such systems and the transfer of responsibility of the surgeon to drive the robot designers to incorporate into their studies of the safety requirements of operation, including one of its key attributes: security. Although this discipline is widely studied in areas such as safety-critical avionics, the specificity of medical robotics leads us to reconsider the notion of risk associated with it. Starting from the undesired effect, damage, cause we go back to considering the concepts of hazard, risk and safety. This leads us to identify possible ways to manage the risk associated with the use of systems of medical robotics. The concepts introduced are illustrated by our experience from the development of a robotic tale-ultrasound system. Continue reading

Quadruped robot LittleDog improves the skills

littledog_robotWhile Big Dog runs field trials (see note “Carrying loads on the four-legged walking robots”), His little brother – Little Dog – improving their skills in the laboratory. Both the robot was developed by Boston Dynamics, working on order of U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Ministry of Defense (DARPA) and was originally intended for use by the military. Continue reading

Carrying loads on the four-legged walking robots

Carrying loads on the four-legged walking robotsThe company Boston Dynamics is widely known in the robotics market due to its successful invention – enduring four-legged Big Dog. This robot is the size of a large dog to become a good help the soldiers, Marines – it can be controlled, he should go where to the right, and thus carries a payload of up to 136 kg over a distance of 20 km at 6 km / h. Continue reading

The snake robot slips through the barriers

serpent-robot-imageThe realization of robots inspired snake occupies a prominent place in robotics over the past decade. But it has hitherto been difficult to accurately reproduce the movements of the reptile. A skill that researchers SINTEF have managed to emulate a system composed of Aiko robot and a virtual double of the snake which allows experiments on computer. Unlike most of its predecessors, this snake does not need wheels to be able to move with ease. For if the recent addition facilitate the removal, by converting the twisting motion in a continuous slip, he moves better on smooth surfaces. But the interest is to use this type of machine in the affected areas. “In a collapsed building where there are lots of rubble, for example after an earthquake, a wheeled snake would probably be stuck,” says Aksel Transeth researcher at SINTEF.

A virtual double
A robot more versatile, more closely reproducing the twisting of the snake could he, pushing the obstacles he encounters, like stones. This new model is called Aiko, measuring 1.5 meters and is composed of segments of PVC tubes with motors connecting joints. It is capable of pushing objects that barrier in his path at 15 cm per second. Moreover, a virtual double of Aiko, which accurately reflects the movements and reactions of a snake in real life, will be used to guide system development. Thus, if this is not the first attempt to move obstacles to snake robot Aiko is the first to have a virtual double that simulates previously movement. However the research team qualifies: “It is easier to simulate on a computer than to build a robot and to experience in reality.”

Promising advances
It therefore remains difficult to construct a model of robot that accurately reproduced the movements of real reptile. It is still too complex to master perfectly the reflexes of robot and some segments of Aiko can interact with the ground or obstacles he encounters in different ways in different situations. For example, a segment can slide over an obstacle while another will try to climb over. To help achieve these movements, researchers have launched a program transcript of gestures algorithms to mathematically translate their observations. They also explore new ways to improve those movements. One of them is the integration of sensors.

Robopolis “spam utilities have been big hits”

robotJerome Damelincourt leader Store Robopolis, has agreed to give us his vision of robotics, he meets a world forever. At a time when Asimo serving coffee and talk to the caller, one wonders in what direction the robot moves. The Workshop – Hello Jerome Damelincourt. People come from afar to come and visit Robopolis. How did you get the idea to open a shop dedicated to robots? Jerome Damelincourt – In 2000, I decided to create the website Before his success and public enthusiasm, I opened Robopolis in 2003. To mark the opening of the shop, I also created a website dedicated It was a dream that I never let go.
What kind of audience greet you at Robopolis?

There are two types of targets: the active and passionate fans liabilities. The first category includes those who want to assemble their own robots and see them run while the second brings together children and fans of science fiction. Now that the books and films of science fiction describe the technique can actually create it. Basically, some things are no longer science fiction but reality.
You sell all kinds of robots: figurines, utilitarian robots, gadgets, etc.. What products work best?

Robots have been big commercial successes. The Roomba vacuum cleaner is autonomous (see our list). The RC 3000 lava soil alone and silently. We also have a robot mower etc.. Today, these products are not much more expensive than their conventional counterparts. The Roomba is the price of a good vacuum cleaner and these robots are technically very good.I think both will grow together. People will continue to buy robots to perform functions specific to the house such as cleaning the floor, sending messages or control of television. At a horizon of five years, although I imagine that robots are hired by large enterprises for example by distributing catalogs in salons. The rental and sale will be used with different objectives: we will not rent Asimo home for the price it costs.
If Sony, with its very large capacity, had to stop production of its Aibo, it does show there that the robots are too expensive to develop and they are not profitable enough? Is there a risk that companies are abandoning research on robotics?

Aibo was a technological showcase for Sony. The Japanese had to create everything Aibo, since the technology that allows a robot to move forward on all fours. Aibo was to continuous innovation. Expenditures made by Sony in research are well established. Companies can now sell robots like Aibo much cheaper. It’s like computers, initially the production of computers was very expensive and the products were not very profitable, but the combined effect of learning and economies of scale allowed the computing of ‘reach the point where it is today. Within fifteen years, the robotics market has exceeded that of the computer.
I went to check on the site of a large appliance store, they do not sell Roomba. I was very surprised. Do not you find that surprising? When the consumer robots they integrate supermarkets?
No, I do not find that surprising. Major distributors include new standards only when they are sure to sell a certain number. Today, the Roomba is still the preserve of specialist shops whose role is precisely to take risks. However, I think the robots like Roomba will be sold in general stores within a year. In the U.S., they already are.
Do you think that robotics will grow to more B2B or B2C?

I do not think that one of them will still dominate there. B2B is already highly developed medicine, security, military … But B2C is also a research topic for many businesses.
Do you think the robot will he ever be the equal of man?
Do not get carried away. The robot’s capabilities are far from achieving those rights. Today, we can not create a robot that knows how to clear a table. We do not know how to explain to a machine what a glass because it can take many forms and be made of several components. Creators of robot soccer players have launched a challenge: in 2050 (not before), a robot soccer team will beat the world champion team football.
The public will he not reluctant to move with humanoid robots?
People love the humanoid robots. Plus it looks like a man, more like it. Until the robot becomes too human. Surveys have shown that nobody wants a robot to hair or skin. But Asimo, for cons, everyone would have at home!

Robot as safety assistants

NEDO (Organization for the Development of New Energy and Industrial Technology) began August 3 a “Project Implementation robot assistants. This project is divided into five parts. The first objective is to conduct R & D on methods of verifying the security of this type of robots, to establish safety standards and, ultimately, to propose these standards to the world, the ultimate goal is to launch spam on the Japanese market. The other four components relate to the parallel development of four types of robots:
 – The robot supporting the autonomy of elderly and disabled (Panasonic).
 – Robots can move only in public spaces: applications to everyday life (Fuji Heavy Industry) and monitoring (Alsok, Rangefinder, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Tokki System).
 – Clothing robot “HAL”, lavishing assistance muscle (Cyber dyne, University of Tsukuba).
 – A robot vehicle with which a disabled user can move (Toyota Motor, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Four Link Systems).

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