Pensioners will train robots

Robotics and EmbeddedCan I use robots to encourage physical training in elderly people? This question is Matures Maya (Mama Metric), head of Southern California University Center for Robotics (University of Southern California Center for Robotics and Embedded Systems).

A group of scientists decided to offer retirees, along with a robot to perform simple physical exercises. Have you found 70 volunteers. Twenty people are living in welfare centers, in the age of 60 years. Others live at home, but also already in retirement. For therapy, physical therapy sessions with the robot coach participants in the experiment are divided into two groups. One group will repeat the movement for a coach, the other robot on the contrary, what and how to move. See how it happens.

This is very similar to the game. But these games for older elderly people can do far more good than bridge or dominoes.

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