A robot that will watch our house MSecurit with motion sensors and thermal cameras

robot-msecurit-de-movirobotics-32Soon we will have a robot guarding our house with all sorts of early warning and surveillance systems. MSecurit It is designed by the company MoviRobotics, a company located in Albacete in Science and Technology Park, University of Castilla la Mancha. MSecurit has motion sensors and thermal cameras. This is a half-clever and autonomous robot capable of human figures of different objects. The robot in question could go to an individual and to analyze their movements to assess whether it represents a danger or behaving in a suspicious manner and give alarms signals. You can also transmit the image of your surveillance camera can rotate 360 degrees and record and issue day and night. You can also send to the central image of the subject security and location coordinates detected.

This surveillance robot can also be diverted from the central security towards a specific objective to gather more data before acting.
The first prototype of this robot is designed for indoor places but its creators have already announced that in 2009 hope to construct another model adapted to open and measured outdoor spaces equipped with other devices such as gas detectors or chemicals. MSecurit weighs about 30 kilos and the company that created it: MoviRobotics expected to market soon with the goal of selling 100 units in the next two years.