RobovieM is a small humanoid robot capable of bipedal locomotion, robot researchers aspire to College or University (Graduate) students and robotics researchers, the materials were developed for building engineers.
Hardware portion VSTONE OmniHead Corporation has developed a humanoid robot based, there is a small 22 degree freedom, “the rising backlash (MPEG 1MB)” has the world’s leading performance and movement. Continue reading
Tag Archives: humanoid
Humanoid robot “Saya” the teacher
Humanoid robot “Saya” On September 7, appeared in the role of elementary school teacher in Tokyo, spoke to their children. Teacher spreads show a different face, is a happy child who had been so such a soft touch finger on the cheek. Saya is a laboratory was developed by Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi of Tokyo University Continue reading
Comprehensive Humanoid Robot Kit
Welcome to the world’s first truly diverse and interchangeable robot platform. The Bioloid Multi-bot is the first robot of its kind to be built around serially controlled servo technology. This allows the user to construct a wide variety of robot configurations, including the autonomous exploration robot, quadruped puppy robot, hexapod spider robot, dinosaur robot and bi-pedal humanoid…all with one controller board. Continue reading
Humanoid robot to teach software
Yobotics Classrooms in Japan may soon welcome a new 4-foot-tall educational humanoid robot unveiled by Nippon Institute of Technology and other groups. It will be used to teach software programming and hardware engineering to students, but will also be demonstrated in Continue reading
History of Humanoid Robot in Waseda University
Waseda University has been one of the leading research sites for anthropomorphic robots since the late Prof. Ichiro Kato and his colleagues started the WABOT Project in 1970. Since then, just about ten years, by integrating the latest key technologies, we have developed a variety of humanoid robots including WABOT-1 which is the first full-scale human-like robot made in 1973, the musician robot WABOT-2 in 1984, Hadaly-2 which works together with a human partner and the biped walking robot WABIAN in 1997. Not only a lot of fundamental technology was created but also the many talented engineers and scientists were nurtured from these activities.
Animal-like robots are playing an increasingly important role as a link between the worlds of biology and engineering. The new, multidisciplinary field of biorobotics provides tools for biologists studying animal behavior and testbeds for the study and evaluation of biological algorithms for potential engineering applications. This book focuses on the role of robots as tools for biologists. Continue reading
Asimo, Honda’s robot humanoid Brain
There are different kinds of robots, including humanoids which are for instance those who left us watching the movie “Robocop” or to deliver a more everyday example, the robot Asimo from Honda. As can be seen in the first graph of this article, the Asimo was changing as the technology of artificial intelligence was giving way to the opportunity to improve the conditions under which these machines could perform both basic functions like walking, lifting hands, moving his head, etc., up to complete much more complex operations such as jumping, walking, and say a few words.
The robot Asimo from Honda, which stands for A dvanced S tep in I nnovate Mo bility, has among its main features being built entirely in a way that can bend and do all the typical movements of human beings, through their embedding within overall system of a computer-brain which is controlled by remote control. This device also controls the charging party robot, so you can have more time for action without a massive waste of energy used for mobilization of the humanoid, thereby allowing an action which is much more controlled.
Asimo from Honda can walk at a speed of 3 km / h run twice, almost imitating the movements of a child who is just starting to take its first steps. The integrated system coordination Asimo similarly lets do simple tasks with their mechanical arms such as carrying trays to use small items like keys and even bend some things to organize them. To make a little reference to mobility, Asimo is also able to rotate, completing laps around its axis which is located in the ring.
A battery pack is charged to provide fuel for this likeable character, he’s an increasing feeling that occurs in public. The advantages that can provide the robot Asimo in the future are quite striking, for example, widespread service customer service in all types of organizations as being observed, the possibility of being used in rescue maneuvers, no doubt a valuable toy teaching in many kindergartens, as “virtual teacher” for new models of education and why not, the study of motion in bodies.
A humanoid in basque beret?
It is the “Holy Grail” of all robotics: build a machine that can communicate, move, act, adapt to new situations as would a man. A device where all the specialties of robotics would be met – visual recognition, speech synthesis, walking, handling, etc.. – And having our appearance. Only problem: the dream of engineer not enthusiastic about the French industry, the only ones able to finance such research. In Japan, however, large companies like Toyota and Honda are committed to compete in this area. Continue reading
Humanoid Robotics
The robot Femisapiens of Wowwee is one of the last jewels of Wowwee! His fluid movements sophisticated allow him to make gestures and elegant movements, enhancing its attractiveness! With infra-red detectors and audio that enable it to synchronize its movements with dance music, she can also speak their own language and respond to gestures, the touch and sounds of users. It will delight users of Robosapien
University for the robot Asimo
The University of Bielefeld in the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, opens tomorrow Institute cognition and robotics (CoR-Lab). The institute will carry out its research activities in the field of cognition and intelligent robots “, a scientific field in which groups of interdisciplinary research at the University of Bielefeld are distinguished, nationally as internationally. This year, the university will particularly benefit from its good relations with the Honda group.