One of the main challenges for the robots, which are engaged in repairing a cable on the seabed – a precise definition of the injury. The muddy bottom at a depth of tens of meters of a lantern fixed on the robot does not always allow the operator on the computer screen to consider what is happening under the water is clear enough. Continue reading
Tag Archives: researchers
Robots are sent to the restaurant
The Japanese company Eager Co decided to check how well you can use the “communication” robots for promotional purposes. Within three days, January 9-11, 2010 in 18 restaurants in Osaka (Japan) robot ENON, specially developed by Fujitsu, Continue reading
University for the robot Asimo
The University of Bielefeld in the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, opens tomorrow Institute cognition and robotics (CoR-Lab). The institute will carry out its research activities in the field of cognition and intelligent robots “, a scientific field in which groups of interdisciplinary research at the University of Bielefeld are distinguished, nationally as internationally. This year, the university will particularly benefit from its good relations with the Honda group.
“E-skin”, a skin for robots
The Japanese researchers (Tsuyoshi Sekitani, Takao Someya and team) at the University of Tokyo have developed “E-Skin,” a skin robotics enabling robots have the sensation of touch. The sheet of rubber is made up of nanotubes to the conduction of electricity, even when it is fully stretched. The rubber is completely malleable and can even be applied to curved surfaces without losing its property conductivity. The skin robotics “E-Skin” could be used to make circuits that can be stretched up to 1.7 times their original size. Continue reading
Japanese researchers develop a new generation of robots
Japanese researchers develop a new generation of robots. The machines emulate the natural behavior of humans and animals to and show feelings.
Curious Tama turns her head in the direction of the approaching steps. When she sees Toshihiro Tashima, gets her entire body in joyful movement. Lovingly takes Tashima in the arm. It does not bother him that Tamas nose pointed to the side and legs are a little plump. However, it is his own creation: Tamas black and grey tiger skin is a mini robots, program filled with chips and dotted with sensors.
On programmed feeling: “There should lebensahnlich effect and cause feelings,” said the researchers of the Omron Corporation in Kyoto its digital Schmusetier. Depending on the situation, the plush robot anger, fear or surprise. He miaut if he wants to arm, gentle stroking calls a content Schnurren. About his long-term memory Robot recognizes the animal and its owner situations. Tashima proudly led a month ago his cat machines to the public. Tama is the latest model of a new generation of robots, which not only caused a sensation in Japan. Continue reading