RoboCup is an “autonomous humanoid robots in the year 2050, winning the human World Cup champion team” set a goal of 1997 is a robotic soccer competition was started. In the first Annual Meeting of the Simulation League, League medium, was only one of three small league, and Humanoid Robot League is now 4 feet, Continue reading
Tag Archives: RoboCup
The clones reproduce human behavior on the playing fields
The robots are now able to imitate the strengths and weaknesses of an individual in a game Researchers at the University Carlos III of Madrid have programmed behavioral clones. Human action of a specific player is first recorded through a video game, Robosoccer. “The system observes the stimuli that the individual receives from the screen, and the actions it sets up the keyboard in order to score a goal or passing the ball,” says Ricardo Aler, one of the researchers Continue reading