Space robots are baptism of fire in space

Space robotsThe two developed at the Technical University of Vienna Space Robot Roby Space Junior I and II have passed its first test in space. The Sunday started by the Japanese Uchinoura Space Center rocket placed the two robots as planned. Their task was to get around on a strained inter-satellite network. “After what we know so far, the robot worked as planned. For further details you can say only after evaluating the data,” said project manager Peter Kopacek of Institute for Intelligent Handling and Robotics in the press-text interview. Continue reading

Sumo Robot Kits are perfect for getting a jump start on your next competition.

Sumo RobotsAbout the Sumo Robots
The Lynx motion 3kg Sumo Robot Kits are perfect for getting a jump start on your next competition. The main problem people face when getting started in Robot Sumo is with the mechanical construction of the rolling chassis. Lynx motion has several rolling chassis kits specifically designed for Robot Sumo. Choose between competition tested 2WD, 4WD, or 6WD designs. Continue reading