“Asimo – Artificial intelligence for the everyday

asimo.gifAsimo.gifIm year 2050 should be human-robot on two legs after the official FIFA rules against the then incumbent, human soccer World Cup play – and win. The experts have at least the robot development at the flags. At the University of Bielefeld was recently the new Research Institute for Cognitive and robotics (Cur-Lab) cor-lab. into operation. In addition, a research cooperation between the University and the Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH honda-ri signed, the university and basic industrial research unite. The robots will be with cognitive and social skills, and to assistants for the everyday man. Star guest at the opening was http://www.honda-robots.com Asimo, a robot from Honda menschenahnlicher. About 20 years after the presentation of the first Asimo model presents the latest generation significantly developed. “In the racing circuit, the hand shake and push a cart include the wearing of tablets to his new repertoire,” reported the Berliner Zeitung. Using an infrared transmitter Asimo can now even have a ball and recognize wegkicken. Continue reading