ASIMO – Honda’s latest generation of humanoid robot

ASIMOThe latest generation of Honda’s robot ASIMO humanoid gave Barcelona its European debut. Honda hopes that he could one day be so advanced that it is a real human assistance. The new ASIMO embodies several significant technological improvements over its predecessors, including a new, schnittigeres design, yet more fluid and quick movements and the ability of almost 6 km / h to run. The agile ASIMO has many other new capabilities in terms of its mobility and intelligence. Continue reading

Toyota Mobiro: Robo-Job

Toyota Mobiro: Robo-JobThe car manufacturer Toyota will focus increasingly on the development of robots as partners of the people. “Back to the benefit of the public and the people I would like the robot and robot accelerate development time for practical application,” announced Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe on Thursday ( 5.12.) During the presentation of two new Human robot models. The single “Mobiro”, an abbreviation of mobility robot that can bring people driven by a battery with a speed of six km / h over distances of up to 20 kilometers transported. Here he is in a position to independently avoid obstacles and can also be sent by remote control. Continue reading

Robots conducts Detroit Symphony Orchestra

Asimo Hondas Vorführ-Roboter For many would-Maestro has from time to suspect in the case of Honda’s Asimo robot Hitech certainty: This is the Detroit Symphony Orchestra conduct – without really knowing what he does. The appearance of the humanoid robot, whose acronym for “Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility”, before the Detroit Symphony Orchestra will help, a program for young musicians of the orchestra better known. Continue reading

Toyota also researches very active in robots

Toyota Musikalisches GenieActually, Toyota builds cars. But just as Kokurrent Honda Toyota also researches very active in robots. Now they have a very sensitive human machines. He has soft lips and plays trumpet. As the looks, you know, when you click the button “Photo Gallery” on the top right button. Not only for Sony, even with the car manufacturers, the nature of humanoids radiate heat. And one day will have its skin soft and delicate touch. Continue reading

Robot shopping in Japan for pensioners

Tmsuk reports again with even more human robot action. This time, they show us a shopping Robo of very, very far away can be controlled. The modified TMSUK-4 humanoids (but not necessarily a robot from the pole) ran in Kitakyushu, Japan (where else), from home on a NTT DoCoMo Videophone before acting visibly beglucktem audience to buy a few hats. Apparently betagtere saw the lady through the eyes of a robot and controlled his movements around each behende Funkloch around across the Hutabteilung and probably happy now jumps up and down, because they used their new head covering finally looks like Prizessin Victoria. Continue reading

Honda introduced the robot ASIMO 2

Honda Motor introduced the new version of Asimo, the humanoid robot. It may take the role of receptionist, bartender or companion. A man … uh robot to do everything.ImageHonda Motor, the third Japanese manufacturer of automobiles, had submitted its humanoid robot Asimo, at the Universal Exposition Aichi in Japan, an exhibition which ended on September 25 last.

Its mascot, high of just 130 cm and weighing just 54 kilos, was object of curiosity to the public. The robot then took care of administrative tasks, welcoming visitors, but also serve cocktails. Continue reading

If robot soccer professionals fear Teaching

RoboCup 2006 Fußball Weltmeisterschaft der Roboter

The Robocop competition has long been mocked as mere gimmick. But researchers from other fields see the chickened machines now the high art of robotics. By the year 2050 will be acting autonomously humanoid robot can play better football than people. Specifically: A robot team, according to official FIFA rules against the then reigning world champion and when. That is the stated objective of the international Robocop initiative, the Chinese Suzhou near Shanghai just their twelfth annual World Cup tournament has finished. The project solves either spontaneous enthusiasm, surprise or anxiety. In particular, experts respond but is still happy with herablassendem Naserumpfen. Robot Soccer is not a serious science, it is about. Continue reading

Robot hears on laser pointers

A team of scientists of the ‘Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) and the Emory University’ has developed a robot, via point-and-click can be instructed, objects to collect. The selected objects are the robot simply by a green laser pointer. The researchers see this as a step towards robots assistance for patients with severe movement restrictions. “We consider the Fetching objects as a core capability for future robots in the medical care and at home,” said Charlie Kemp, head of research teams. On the one hand, it was important that robots such as cleaning work umlagern items, on the other hand, be it for more complex tasks such as cooking required that a robot which can fetch even utensils. Just this feature with the ‘El-E’ robot called now demonstrated. Continue reading