Among the amazing robots being prepared in secret labs French must include Psikharpax, which works on the Lip6 (Computer Lab Paris 6).The mobile robot that looks like a mouse – its “head” ends with a dart nose where long whiskers – will be released in an unfamiliar environment where he must survive. He will remember the important places where recharge his batteries and those where he runs a risk – there heard footsteps – to better avoid them, and will plan its tasks according to the constraints. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: September 2009
My surgeon is a robot
On September 7, 2001, a woman who was in Strasbourg has been made by a doctor who happened to him … the United States! This world premiere was performed by a French Professor Jacques Marescaux, head of Digestive and Endocrine Surgery University Hospital of Strasbourg and founder of the European Institute of telesurgery.
The feat would not have been possible without Zeus Continue reading
Radius’ robotic entertainment
Everyone knows Aibo, although few copies of this amazing animal has been purchased in Europe. For a few thousand euros, the robot designed by Sony mimics the behavior of a small dog which he reproduced the brisk walking and attitudes. He knows how to play with a bone, a dance, respond to your caresses, recognize your voice and even go to recharge electric power alone. Continue reading
A humanoid in basque beret?
It is the “Holy Grail” of all robotics: build a machine that can communicate, move, act, adapt to new situations as would a man. A device where all the specialties of robotics would be met – visual recognition, speech synthesis, walking, handling, etc.. – And having our appearance. Only problem: the dream of engineer not enthusiastic about the French industry, the only ones able to finance such research. In Japan, however, large companies like Toyota and Honda are committed to compete in this area. Continue reading
The CNRS, guardian of robotics
Humanity is at the dawn of the robotics era. The final verdict is that of Philippe Coiffet, one of the founding fathers of robotics in France, now director of research at the CNRS Laboratory Robotique de Versailles (LRV) and writer. However, significant scientific advances of this major emerging discipline has undergone major changes. Continue reading
Software for Statistics of 3-D Human Body Forms
The “secular change” refers to the phenomenon that the physical characteristics of the human body changes in a long period of time compared to the human longevity. The most well observed secular change is that of the stature. In many countries in the world, stature has been increasing in last 100 years. Figure 1 shows the changes in the mean stature of adult male Continue reading
Pygmalion A New Mobile Robot
Design Principles
Computers stay normally where they are. Man-machine interactions depend thus only on the part of the human being. On the other hand, autonomous mobile robots have a radically expanded work space, shared with that one of human beings. It enables them to initiate an interaction by themselves. This gives rise to a new kind of Continue reading
ConnectR, a robot that can see everything
No, although it is not like the famous and powerful super smart Roomba vacuum cleaner but belongs to the same family. This time, iRobot has surprised us with a device that is no longer engaged to scrubbing floors or picking up dust but deals with a subject far more interesting as the control of what happens to every inhabitant of our house. Because ConnectR is a device consisting of a camera and a microphone that will monitor and listen to each family member Continue reading
Spykee, another robot that monitors the home
I’ve had the opportunity to speak to ConnectR, the new iRobot robot that sees and feels everything. But it seems that this android shaped vacuum already has his opponent in the world of spies and investigations. His name is Spykee and was shown at the Digital Life show a New York also has been born not to follow in the footsteps of the inhabitants of the apartment but to control everything and every aspect of the home are as they should. Continue reading
NANC-E, the robot nanny
After sleepless nights, days when all they do is change diapers and women often fill bottles mad. Okay, are justified, I do not want to imagine the madness of a newborn little boy, with his bellowing, weeping, her belly dolorcillos in that rages in the heart, soul and patience of the generous mothers.
For them-and before resorting to the help of British nannies group we see on TV-the NANC-E robot Nannybot of Buy n Large can be very helpful. I further believe that agile android arms soon become best friends with these deranged mothers, housewives sudden and desperate for good …! Continue reading