In 2020, nearly 30% of the armed forces will be consist of robots

The University of Washington working on a system that allows military robots to be more efficient while remaining under the leadership of men: they will be tested on the battlefield by a Wiimote

In 2020, nearly 30% of the armed forces will be consist of robots. The prediction was made by Washington University in St. Louis, who works on robotic systems used by the defense sector. Hence the interest to develop machines more efficient and intelligent. But according to the researchers, the robots that officers in the army – often remote machines – should not be totally autonomous and can make decisions. Continue reading

In conflict zone, the robot is a pledge of security

MIT is working on a forklift capable of autonomous transport equipment and move. Artificial reproduction of the different sensations will able to analyze and understand their environment.

To supply the areas of conflict without putting anyone in danger, the Laboratory Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at MIT runs a development program without a forklift driver that can handle the load and transport equipment almost independently. Continue reading

The assistant robot must obey the habits of its owner

For the Companion project, only a robot that can grasp and adapt to its environment can truly look after an elderly person. The prototype will include the emotional state and the habits of the user.

To give more independence to the elderly while providing follow-up home care, robotics is a solution. But it implies the development of machines capable of understanding the context in which they operate and related medical staff. On this basis, the companionable European project develops a prototype robot that will be able to understand the emotional state of its owner, its habits, social support and health monitoring for it. Continue reading

The face becomes the remote control robot

The University of San Diego wants to maximize their likely future interactions between students and teachers robotic. The goal: to have a robot that pace in its current function of facial motion of its audience

Facial expressions should be able to control the behavior of a robot. Jacob Whitehill, a researcher at the UC San Diego School of Engineering, works in the remote control of a video sequence showing the course depending on the degree of understanding of students. The project in the idea that future teachers robotic systems could be developed. The long term goal is to make robots better teachers. The project is based on technology of facial recognition. Thus, Jacob Whitehill has shown that the information given by our facial expressions while watching videos help you understand whether or not the explanation which is filmed. Continue reading

The robot is captured by the sign language

To understand the intent of others, the robot can rely on their movements. One way not to go through traditional means of communication and make more autonomous machines.

By programming robots to recognize their left and right, a team of Franco-Israeli would also enable them to communicate through the movement, like the bees. To achieve this, they are based on a communication solution called implicit stigmergie. It allows interaction without exchange of data: if the robot starts to the left the other responds in a way, to the right of another, etc.. The purpose of this research, published in the article “Deaf, Dumb, and Chatting Robots,” is to build machines that can transmit information even in case of failure of their traditional transmission systems. Continue reading

Resulted in a robot to replace U.S. troops

According to the magazine Rue89, the U.S. military in Afghanistan currently testing a robot called BigDog.

This machine imposing physical and noise disturbing, is composed of several sensors that allow it to move anywhere, anytime, without fear of tripping over bumps or dips. Created by the company Boston Dynamics, the robot was initially designed to prevent a soldier from falling into an ambush. It can be manipulated to 500 meters away, walking at 6 km / h, reaches climb slopes at 35 degrees and can carry up to 140 kilos of equipment. Continue reading

Tomorrow, the robots will include your thoughts

Designed to assist humans in their daily ungrateful, Japanese robots will not wait so ordered them aloud to rid the table to get to work: suffice it to think and to act.

Researchers from the Japanese car manufacturer Honda, designer of humanoid robot Asimo, developed a technology that allows a human to partially control the biped, or on other machines, simply by pensée.Leur device “commands brain” is based on a new method for analyzing the brain activity, carried out through a big computer with a headset wrapped with various sensors. Continue reading

A “two-legged robot” to rake the moon in 2020

The Japanese government plans to send to the moon by 2020 robot “two legs” to explore the field in order to later install a Japanese home.

“We want to send on moon astre biped robot to carry out extensive observations of the soil and the environment in order to put in place then a human science,” said a document in a group governmental work. “Subsequently, we want them to work jointly for men and robots,” says the report. Continue reading

Microsoft Hosted CRM

Microsoft crm host is a fully integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system which gives users the capability to easily create and maintain a clear view of customers. The initial contacts made to sales and after-sales service. With tools to help you improve the process of sales, from marketing and customer service – and with the integration of Microsoft Outlook – Microsoft Dynamics CRM gives you a fast, flexible and accessible. Microsoft Dynamics CRM will help you to make sustained and measurable improvements in your daily business processes.

Key features of Microsoft Hosted CRM
-Productivity of remote and in-house sales and support workers is increased
-The CRM system is constantly updated with current information Continue reading