Japan: robots, artificial animals and anime-Stars

In hardly any other country in the world there is such a great enthusiasm for high-tech, robotics and artificial worlds, as in Japan. Various museums reflect this vehement wider interest and provide visitors with an impressive and comprehensive insight into the future, the already long since begun. Since October 2006 astounded the robot museum in Nagoya visitors with cutting-edge exhibits. At present, is in conjunction with the exhibition “Think Robo” the development of the robot from the beginning of the 20th Century until now at the centre. The special interest is the “humanoid” robots “Wabot” from the’70s on “ASIMO” from the House of Honda, whose course is similar to that of the people, to the household robot Wakamaru. Continue reading

“Asimo – Artificial intelligence for the everyday

asimo.gifAsimo.gifIm year 2050 should be human-robot on two legs after the official FIFA rules against the then incumbent, human soccer World Cup play – and win. The experts have at least the robot development at the flags. At the University of Bielefeld was recently the new Research Institute for Cognitive and robotics (Cur-Lab) cor-lab. into operation. In addition, a research cooperation between the University and the Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH honda-ri signed, the university and basic industrial research unite. The robots will be with cognitive and social skills, and to assistants for the everyday man. Star guest at the opening was http://www.honda-robots.com Asimo, a robot from Honda menschenahnlicher. About 20 years after the presentation of the first Asimo model presents the latest generation significantly developed. “In the racing circuit, the hand shake and push a cart include the wearing of tablets to his new repertoire,” reported the Berliner Zeitung. Using an infrared transmitter Asimo can now even have a ball and recognize wegkicken. Continue reading